We need help finding...

We’ve heard that some folks have passed, but we have nothing to substantiate that. Please help us with any information (town where deceased, approximate decade of death, relatives who might share data, obituary, etc.)

Currently, we are looking for info on the following:

Georgia Gomez (Winnebago, NE)

Sharon Gostomski (Sequim, WA)

James Kerwin (Rutherford, NJ)

Rich Krupa (Chicago, IL)

Bill Larkins (Galt, CA)

Joe Melnichak (Bradford, PA)

Tyrone Parker (Flossmoor, IL)

Carol Roddy (Rochester, NY)

Hollie Shaw (The Bronx, NY)

Steve Siegrist (Lancaster PA)

Phil Sheridan (Omaha, NE)

And, as time goes on and others pass, please let us know so we can give them the tribute they deserve. Thank you.