Clarence George 1947 - 2022

Clarence E. George was born in New York City on November 10, 1947. He was the son of Clarence and Louisa George. Clarence graduated from Rice High School in Manhattan in June. 1967. That fall he arrived at JFK. The college was never the same, as his personality won him hundreds of friends on the campus and the town of Wahoo.

Clarence while at JFK traveled and sang with The New Generation. The fall of 1969 he was appointed to the Student Affairs Committee of the college. His senior year he was President of the Class of '71, candidate for Homecoming King, editor of the Patriot, the college yearbook lost in the West Hall fire of February 1971. Upon graduation he was one of eight classmates awarded the Kennedy Key, the college's highest honor. Receiving a degree in Education, he began a 35+year teaching in the Lincoln Public School system. He would receive his Masters of Education from Concordia Teachers College.  

As a mentor to young teachers, he supervised Student Teachers from UNL and Doane College. He also taught the state required course for new teachers, Diversity Course. As a teacher, team leader and advisor he touched the lives of hundreds of young people. He enjoyed traveling and spent two years teaching in Germany. A gifted singer, he was asked and sang at hundreds of weddings. Sadly, Clarence passed away of liver cancer early in the morning of August 24, 2022, just as a new school year was starting.  Perhaps he was needed at a new and different classroom.